Rotating residential proxies with worldwide geo targeting optimized for high success rates.
Rotating residential proxies with random geo location.
Rotating residential proxies with worldwide geo targeting optimized for scraping and data gathering.
Residential proxies with on demand rotation, geo targeting using user and password authentification.
Data in your formats
Get results in structured JSON, CSV or HTML data from all sources including organic search results, ads, images, videos and many more.
Render using multiple devices
Gather searches results from all devices: desktop, mobile and tables using real browsers.
Wordwide geotargeting
Using our dedicated API and Shifter proxy infrastructure you can gather search results from everywhere in the world.
One API. Cleaner code.
Use developer friendly SDKs for Python, Golang, PHP, Ruby.
Real-time SERP Data with a simple and fast API
Use developer friendly SDKs for Python, Golang, PHP, Ruby.
Forget all about CAPTCHAs, browsers, proxies or always maintaining a complicated and difficult codebase
Learn about SERP API through one of the best scraping experience.
Check out our SDK integrations that will help you use APIs from scratch.
Shifter was founded in 2012, as one of the first residential proxy providers, since then it has become one of the leading proxy networks in the world and it's used by more than 25.000 clients including Fortune 500 Companies. Users can connect from anywhere to access local data without any restriction, while preserving a high degree of privacy and security.