Senegal Proxy
1.214.279 IPs
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instant activation - money back guarantee - 24/7 support

Why choose Shifter's senegal proxies

Find out more about our great senegal proxies

Ultra Fast Senegal Proxies

Shifter residential Senegal proxies are specially optimised for the best speeds using state of the art cloud infrastructure together with advanced protocols.
Our large proxy pools are clean and updated everyday in order to provide the best speeds and results.

Easy-to-use & Integrate

Using our user friendly client dashboard, you can configure your proxies in a couple of minutes and start using them in any browser or tool.
For advanced users we provide direct APIs access to all of our services to configure your settings on the fly.

High Success Rates

Our proxies offer the highest possible success rates on the market, all our IPs are 100% residential helping you to mimic real user behaviour.
We periodically check our IPs for any type of flagging that can affect the results you benefit from.

Ultra Fast Senegal Proxies

Shifter residential Senegal proxies are specially optimised for the best speeds using state of the art cloud infrastructure together with advanced protocols.
Our large proxy pools are clean and updated everyday in order to provide the best speeds and results.

Use cases

Achieve your goals and become the industry leader
Ad Verification
Ad Verification
Brand Protection
Brand Protection
Comparative Intelligence
Comparative Intelligence
Data Gathering
Data Gathering
Data Integrity
Data Integrity
Sales Intelligence
Sales Intelligence
SEO Monitoring
SEO Monitoring
Talent Sourcing
Talent Sourcing

Industry leading features

Never get blocked again when scraping data

99,99% Uptime

Excelent worldwide connectivity, robust Networking products & Tier-1 bandwidth.

Ultra Fast Speed

Enjoy very low latencies due to the distributed cloud infrastructure.

24/7 Customer Support

Our team of experts is here to support you in your efforts 24/7.

High Success Rates

Our technology and proxy network enable you to achieve highest success rate.

Global Coverage

Access a globally distributed proxy network with coverage in all the countries in the world.

Unlimited Sessions

Scale your projects indefinitely whenever required.

Developer Friendly

Connect using multiple protocols including HTTP/S & Socks 4/5.

Easy to Configure

Configure or update settings on your services using our easy to use panel or API.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some possible inquiries already explained

What is a Rotating Residential Proxy?

A rotating residential proxy also known as a backconnect proxy is a special kind of proxy that connects to our entire proxy pool and gets assigned a new residential IP address every rotation time, depending on your settings. For example if you choose a 5 minutes rotation time, your proxy will receive a final residential IP exit address every 5 minutes.

What is the difference between Basic & Special Rotating Residential Proxies?

Special Rotating Residential Proxies offer extended capabilities, and are suitable for high demand use cases, you are able to Geo Target the location of your residential IPs and also access websites that are locked for the Basic plan, such as: Yandex, Outlook, Apple, GMX, Inbox, MyWay, Zoho, Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Skype, Wikipedia, Xtremetop, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Ticketmaster & many more.

Basic Rotating Residential Proxies don’t have access to geo targeting and assign random residential IPs from all over the world, except Tier 1 countries like: United States, United Kingdom and Canada, while also restricting access to high demand websites that are only available for Special plans.

What is a On-demand Proxy?

On-demand proxies are a different kind of residential rotating proxies, the main difference is the fact that you use a single entry point to request a residential proxy with specific parameters like country, city, sticky or rotating sessions and many more.

This specific proxy type uses only User:Pass authorisation allowing you to access the Shifter proxy network from an unlimited number of devices with unlimited number of requests.

What is a Fast Rotating Residential Proxy?

Fast Rotating Residential Proxies are specially optimised for data scraping and data gathering offering the possibility to set the IP rotating time to 1 minute.

How do you count for traffic usage?

Our product offering covers all types of usage, for large traffic use cases we recommend our rotating residential proxies that come with multiple plans that include high amount of traffic and rotating ports.

Rotating Residential Proxies are charged per number of ports, if you exceed the included traffic you can purchase additional traffic based on your needs.

For use cases that require a large number of unique IPs and Requests per second in a short period that are not traffic intensive we recommend our On-demand proxies that offer the perfect balance between unique IPs and traffic.

On-demand proxies are charged per GB.

You can check our full product offering and prices on pricing page.

Are your IP addresses detected as proxies?

All our proxy products are classified as highly anonymous using the most advanced proxy technology together with additional systems that mimic real user behaviour.

What protocols are your proxies compatible with?

Both our rotating residential and On-demand proxies support HTTP/S & Socks 4/5 protocols.

Do your proxies work with Amazon?

In order to activate access to you need to contact our support team requesting access to the service. We request this in order to maintain our pool quality and low fail rate.

What is your average uptime?

Shifter is running its full service using state of the art cloud services, while continuously upgrading its capabilities. This allows us to offer a high degree of stability and support, making our service substantially different from other providers with up to 99.99 uptime.

For enterprise customers we offer custom SLAs and insurance.

Can i target a specific country or assign a different country to each port or port range?

Both Shifter residential products, Residential Rotating & On-demand proxies offer global geo targeting.

Using On-demand proxies you can geo target by the parameters in the User:Pass while with the Rotating Residential Proxies you can assign a default country for all your ports, or different country or countries for specific ports or port ranges.

What authorisation methods do you support?

For our Rotating Residential Proxies we offer both IP & User:Pass authorisation with a maximum of 100 authorised IPs per plan.

For our On-demand proxies we offer only User:Pass authorisation.

Do you offer dedicated IP pools?

For enterprise customers we offer custom proxy plans packages that connect to private pools, using a dedicated infrastructure only used by them. Private pools are unique for each customer, and offer outstanding capabilities and performance.

Do you allow SMTP access?

All our SMTP mailing ports are blocked.

Shifter's legacy

Find out more about us
Shifter legacy

Shifter was founded in 2012, as one of the first residential proxy providers, since then it has become one of the leading proxy networks in the world and it's used by more than 25.000 clients including Fortune 500 Companies. Users can connect from anywhere to access local data without any restriction, while preserving a high degree of privacy and security.